June: A (summer) wrap
Wrapping Council's spring business; look ahead to September primary
6/30/20243 min read
Installing new, improved box stairs crossing the Sudbury Aqueduct near the Eliot T: Waban neighbors welcomed Boy Scout Troop 9 and Eagle Scout candidate Harry Smith last weekend.
This short update will wrap up the Council’s spring business and look ahead to the fall primary.
Forward on climate
Street safety
Primary endorsement
I’m delighted that Newton has joined the 10 communities that can require new and substantially-renovated homes to be all electric—an essential baby step to removing dangerous, fragile, leaky gas pipes from our streets.
The vote eventually was nearly unanimous, but not without controversy about exempting gas stoves—that would have been a very expensive single line!
There may be a referendum to return gas stoves to new builds and very large kitchen rehabs. Stay tuned.
Later this year, Council will also be voting on a long-awaited next step—to ask owners of large commercial buildings (over 10,000 sf) to plan to go all-electric by 2050. Delay in implementing this step puts owners of larger structures at a disadvantage when the state moves to get all buildings off fossil fuels (these represent 35% of emissions in the state, 42% in Newton—not including electric, but including all buildings, residential-27% and commercial-15%). I expect there will be lessons learned—but best that we start learning sooner!
Street Safety
Another big chunk of emissions is in transportation (37% statewide/26% in Newton). To reduce the number of short trips by car, Newton needs to make walking, biking, and rolling safer.
One major step—and I’m thrilled it eventually passed—is the pilot of a mile-long section of Washington Street to include a protected biking and walking path and better organize traffic. Design will finish this year; installation (all temporary materials) starts next spring and summer.
Also this spring, Council approved two raised intersections—or speed tables—to slow dangerous driver behavior at Franklin and Waverly streets and Brookline at Hartman (right near Memorial Spaulding Elementary School). These are effective, if expensive, engineering solutions to speeding cars—and speed is the major danger for anyone in- or outside of a car on our roads. Construction should start this summer.
Want to see a great example of traffic calming? Visit Albemarle Road – where Gath Pool and the fields are—to see center-running bike lanes, speed cushions (which fire trucks can roll over without slowing, but cars cannot) and more. Appropriate treatment for a street that abuts popular destinations—parks, pool, and schools—frequented by kids.
Looking ahead--keep an eye out this fall for the Walk/Ride/Roll plan and a public meeting to review it before it goes to Council for adoption.
Democratic primary Sept. 3
Just after Labor Day, voters across the state will be picking the winners for several state seats.
An important race is for our Governor’s Council seat. What’s that, you may ask? See this.
Challenger Mara Dolan is a public defender. She supports women’s rights, including to make their own choices about pregnancy, and has run a transparent campaign to improve the council—read more here.
I enthusiastically endorse Mara Dolan.
For the two Newton state representative races, I am looking forward to working closely with most of the five candidates in whatever role they assume (or return to) after the primary.
NewMO is now GoGo—
If you are over 65, have a disability, or low income, you can use the new transportation service GoGo staring July 1. See details here. Find out if you are income-eligible here. FAQ here.
What I’m watching—Conservators videos—Our hidden streams and wetlands with Conservation Planner Jennifer Steel (h/t Conservation Commissioner Ellen Katz); and how and why to protect Native bees with biologist Dr. Robert Gegear.
Summer in the City: There are so many ways to enjoy Newton once the school year ends:
Concerts and movies at the Hyde playground or in Newton Centre.
The Lake and the Gath Pool are open!
The Farmer’s Markets are open!
The Community Farmstand is open!
Hope to see you outside in the city!
Committee to Elect Andreae Downs,
David Kenney, Treasurer
22 Agawam Road, Waban, MA 02468
Email: andreae4newton@gmail.com
Call: 617-329-1261